New Area Representative for RCCC

09 August 2014

Following the retiral of Walter Walsh, we are delighted to hear that Andrew Kerr will be our new link to the Area Standing Committee of the Royal Club.

A member of Troon Portland (and a few other clubs) and a member of the Board of Ayrshire Curlers Ltd, Andrew brings a wealth of experience to the post and will do a first class job.

He would like everyone to know that he is available should anyone have any issues they feel should be passed on to the RCCC and also if there is any information regarding the Royal Club he might be able to help with. He will be attending the Ayr CC committee meetings but can be contacted at any time. Tel: 01292 314849, email

We are also pleased that Margaret White is the new Area Rep to the Ladies Branch of the RCCC, taking over from Liz Boswell. Margaret can be contacted on 01292 478407, email

Both the President and the Chairman of the Board are very keen to see an improvement in communications, so it's up to us to ensure they have lots to do.

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