A delighted Ian Alexander tells us that his first game of the season started with an 8 ender. His team was Robert White, Lillian McIntyre and Alicia Smith. We should perhaps whisper the unlucky other team - Margaret White, Jinty Haddow,Scott McAndrew and Pat McLeod
Ian reports
"The 8 - Ender looked on when Rob was asked to tap back the opposition stone at the front centre in the 12 ft which he did to lie 6 reds - team never said a word but Lil went and said to her hubby on sheet 2 that it was on - bit of a blur - Margaret elected to draw round her guard on the swingy hand and rubbed it stopping her outside house - only yellow in the house was in 12 ft next barrier an in front of t-line - tap back required which had to be swept all the way and you can see where stone finished - have never felt as much pressure since winning Scottish Police curling championship many years ago - in over 30 years curling have never seen one so you can understand my elation !!
In Nov. last year another Dalmellington rink went to the Gold Cup at Stranraer and got an 8-Ender - rink Margaret White, Robert White, Dave McIntyre & Frank McHugh - Rob doing well 2 in a year and Margaret 1 up 1 down - worry now is being on receiving end"
Sincere congratulations to everyone.
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