Latest News (updated 7 Nov) from Ice Rink Office

05 November 2013

Some updates and news from Theresa in the Office.

Update 7th November

The  Kirkland Trophy has been cancelled at the moment due to lack of numbers, this will be looked at again in January 2014.

The Robertson Trophy has been cancelled for Thursday 14th November at 2.30pm, new date to follow.

The Maxwell v The Galleon has been cancelled and won’t be played this season.

5th November

The Alloway Rosebowl (open to Lady Curlers) will now start on November 12th at 9.45.

A further Improvers Course has been booked for Wednesday 13th November at 7.15pm – please book your place in the office.

Places are still available for the Mixed Seniors – 26th and 27th November.

The winners of the Maple leaf Bonspiel was the rink skipped by Billy Howat.

Dates for your Diary

Tickets will soon be available for the Xmas Party Night Saturday 14th December 2013.

 A Quiz/supper night is being organised for March next year – date to be finalised.

Remember to book all your catering needs from Hazel on 07732 338581 or email

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