RCCC Affiliation

27 February 2015

Today, The Development Group is issuing a letter to all Ayrshire Club Secretaries asking them to consider at their AGM their position regarding the Royal Caledonian Curling Club (the RCCC).

The subject of the accompanying paper is affiliation to the RCCC and the objective is to get more of our Clubs and individual curlers at Ayr to affiliate.

The paper details the role of the RCCC, the benefits which accrue from affiliation, the relationship between Ayr Curling Club and the RCCC, and the importance for the future of curling at Ayr of a strong, positive relationship existing between Ayr Curling Club and the RCCC.

The paper can be found by clicking on the Development Group Tab above or by following this link.

For Clubs and members who are already affiliated and support the RCCC we would ask that you continue with that important support.

For Clubs and individual curlers who are not affiliated we would ask that you reconsider your position and affiliate to the RCCC as soon as possible. The accompanying paper spells out in detail many of the positive benefits of affiliation, and also the importance for the future of curling at Ayr of a strong working relationship with the RCCC.

The paper is supported and endorsed by the Committee of Ayr Curling Club and Ayrshire Curlers Ltd.

We would ask that all our Clubs consider the issues raised in the paper. We would ask that the issue of affiliation and this letter and paper be raised at your Club agm.

Should individual Clubs or members wish to discuss matters in more detail the Development Group would be pleased to arrange a meeting for Club secretaries and interested members.



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