Ayr was one of two host rinks last weekend for the Scottish Senior Mens' Championship Playdowns and a great weekend it was.
Local involvement was present in the shape of Rab Clark with Royal Club President, Billy Howat at third and also in the somewhat larger shape of Past Ayr President Bobby Ireland with Bert Andrew, brother Jimmy and current Ayr President Tom Andrews.
Some excellent curling was seen by the goodly number of spectators with lots of positive comments from the players about the quality of the ice and all credit to Ice Manager, Jim and his team who put in a power of work.
There were a great many people involved over the weekend including Bella Kennedy and Norman Geddes who did the line scoring to keep the RCCC website live, Hazel and Stephen who provided the catering and AnnMarie the bar as well as John Burns and his team of umpires.
Running a major competition like this successfully was a real team effort and, on behalf of the Board, my thanks to all involved.