Strategy Evening a Great Success

21 October 2015

Strategy Evening a Great Success



Strategy Front Page

Over 50 curlers, young and old, gathered on Monday evening to hear an excellent presentation by Barbara MacFarlane, the RCCC Performance Development Coach, assisted by Billy Morton.

An interesting mix of thought provoking questions had the audience thinking about various game situations and how we could get the best out of our teams in each one.

It was good to see a sizeable representation of curlers had made their way from Stranraer Ice Rink to join us for the evening. 

Throughout the night, videos were played showing Billy and Barbara representing Scotland at various World and European Events. These videos were excellent at demonstrating how our tactics should be used and, on occasion. how they don't always work.

A very worthwhile event, ably organised by Andrew Kerr on behalf of Ayrshire Province, RCCC. Thanks go to Barbara and Billy for their good work on the night.

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