Dave McIntyre in America

05 February 2017

Dave In USA


You'll no doubt be aware that Dave McIntyre is a week in to the RCCC Tour of USA. The tourists have played 10 of the 35 games so far, and they curently trail by 270 shots to 345.

Dave has sent us the following report:

"Tour going under full steam with everyone gelling.  The results may not be the best but we are playing some very good curlers on their home ice.  We have however held our own on the social side with our alcohol levels are now set at optimum.

Our hosts have been overwhelming and as a social curler I have been having good crack whilst playing!  Everyone wants to meet and speak to us - hard to believe but true!  Difficult to spend any money as everyone wants to buy us a drink.

Just arrived at Centrevill CC on inauguration day."

And later, he said:

"Got shots back today. Out for dinner in centreville Wisconsin"

It's obviously a hard life on tour, but someone has to do it and Dave is just the man for it.

Keep up to date with events on tour by clicking on this link.

22nd January

Here's a link to a TV programme from WJFW Newsnight 12  and their TV report about the Scots in Wausau Curling Club.

26th January

IMG 0734

View from the bus which is a bonus as it was misty for the first week.  The driver did inform us of the views which we would have seen.

Actually not playing too badly but opposition is strong!  Today's match had a former Olympian/olympic coach/world champion and his son who was a former world junior champ. Don't know if Clive gets the strongest opposition?  Our scores aren't brilliant but really only had one good beating.

Very little down time as some of you know!  It's not all bad though as beer and good (lots of it) on tap and free.

29th January

Actually managed seven hours sleep last night  - the longest so far!  Look forward to morning class
I guess I will need to be weaned off it on my return!

We had so many gifts that we boxed three packages in St Pauls only to be given curling stone beer coolers in Four Seasons (USA training camp).

It really is a trip of a lifetime and everyone we meet is friendly and welcoming it is almost humbling.  I have messages for Jack Kennedy and Jim Dunlop who were previous tourists and have not been forgotten.  We are on the bus now heading up to Fargo in North Dakota for two matches today.  I was late for the bus - my room mates fault so that is $5 each as a standard fine.  

Our results are improving as the opposition was not as strong yesterday apart from our rink which had a USA university Cham (a babe at 25) skinning everything we put in!

I have taken to being the tour judge with a gusto and am pulling in the fines as the party are so stupid!!!

Off now to hold this mornings court.

5th February

"I managed to get a mention by name in Saturdays New York Times.  They had a reporter at our match in NY.
David - The bald eagle."

After a bit of detective work here's the New York Times Article

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