A report on our game last Friday against Corstorphine from Andrew Kerr
“Could do better” might have been on the report card after last week’s game against the Corstorphine Curling Club at Murrayfield.
Two men’s’ rinks made the trip east to play against Corstorphine. President Dave took on their President, Colin Beesley, in a Rink skipped by Jack McCorkell with Jamie Mason and Charles Sutherland. Colin had past RCCC President Andrew Hepburn in his Rink and they proved too strong for the Ayr boys running out 15-4 winners.
The other game was closer. Gemmill Jack skipped with Davie Kerr making a return to his former mother club, John Davers and Andrew Kerr. They played a rink skipped by Colin Cameron but still ended on the wrong side losing by 8 shots to 5.
After the game Corstorphine were a bit more hospitable than they had shown on the ice and the Ayr boys eventually headed for home at 9pm - not bad going for a 2.30 in the afternoon game !!
Next year we will try harder ! We can’t have these eastcoasters thinking that they are better than us !!