Back to news <On Tuesday, 7th March we had 22 primary 6 pupils from Symington, one of them (Lily) was in a wheelchair. Bob Forrest took Lily for one to one session on wheelchair delivery including “handles” while the rest were taken by the other three coaches.
I asked her at the juice break if she was enjoying herself, the enthusiastic reply was “Yes, it’s great”. The delight on her face and eyes was obvious. When we went back down for the short game Lily was put into one of the groups to take part which she really enjoyed.
When the pupils were leaving a member of the staff came over to Jack and I to thank us for the way that Lily had been included as she cannot take part in most other activities in a group. She also thought the facilities at the rink were excellent for people in wheelchairs. She had no problem accessing the building and was most impressed with the lift and stair lift which had allowed Lily to join with the others during the break. She asked us to pass on her thanks.
A big plus for the ice rink and perhaps the Development Group could emphasise the wheelchair accessibility on their promotional literature.