Following a very successful Sweden to Scotland Tour 2018, I would like to record grateful thanks to the many in Ayr Curling Club who contributed to its success.
Although our ladies branch has a healthy bank account we did not want to deplete our fund, so a fundraising Bridge Drive was organised in October. To the ladies who cooked, baked, washed dishes, donated raffle prizes, and turned up on the day to serve lunch, many thanks. To Evelyn Girvan, who organised the Bridge and to those of you who came to play - a sincere thank you.
Huge appreciation is due to the Board of ACC, who offered free ice for this special occasion and to Jim and his team of ice men who worked from early morning to produce keen, drawing ice, enjoyed by all.
To the ladies who each received two Swedish tourists into their homes, fed them and curled against them-Margaret White, Carol Simpson, Kirsty Letton, Nora McCrossin, Mara Lindsay, Lorna Alexander, Camille Macdonald and our Lady President Janice- thank you all!
A special thank you too to the eight ladies of Stranraer CC, who travelled to Ayr to play against the Swedish contingent. It was a long way to come, early on a cold morning and their support was much appreciated.
David Ness, our piper, expertly escorted our teams onto the ice and Liz Boswell ably fulfilled her remit of recording the events of the day.
Subsequently, all our tourists were presented with memento team photos before they left Scotland.
Thanks too are due to our LSC treasurer, Pat Galloway, who signs the cheques and keeps our accounts in order and to Ronnie Peat, our webpage coordinator, who recorded daily match updates for those following scores online. Thank you both.
To our lovely caterers, Hazel, Steven, Kelly and Angela- the canapés after our game were fabulous and much enjoyed as you moved effortlessly amongst our guests, making sure all were fed and watered.
The beautiful yellow and blue flowers in the lounge were courtesy of our Lady President and much admired.
The remit given to all LSC reps from the RCCC Lady President was to ensure the best of Scottish hospitality for our tourists. To this end our Swedish curlers were then transported from ACC to Dumfries House where they enjoyed lunch in the spectacular Steward’s Dining Room.
During coffee, each was presented with the gift of a Begg’s cashmere scarf from the ladies of ACC. Thanks again to Beggs of Ayr, whose generous support of ACC International Tours is ongoing.
Lunch was followed by a sunshine walk in the grounds and a tour of the house, making for a very memorable experience for our visitors.
Throughout the tour, members of ACC gave willingly of their time and energies.
Time now to relax and remember happy memories and friendships forged with our Swedish Curling friends.
ACC can hold its head high!
Corrie Lawrence