The Finnie kettle was donated by Mrs Finnie of Newfield in December 1869. Mrs Finnie specified that the trophy should be:
"played for annually at Newfield by the curlers of fourteen nearest parishes , seven of the North against seven of South Ayrshire. One rink from each Parish."
Originally there were 7 clubs included from each side of the River and 5 of the 7 Clubs from the South still curl at Ayr Ice Rink (Dundonald, Symington, Riccarton, Galston, and Tarbolton) and participate in this Competition..
Symington won the trophy this year after an absence of some 55 years and for only the fourth time in the Club's History. Holding the trophy is the winning rink of:
Allan Forrest (Skip), Graham Plews, Linda Hall and Anita O'Connor (left to right)
Thanks to Jennifer Mutter for the above report. Although thecompetition was played on 29th October last year, the trophy has just been received.