Message from Andrew Kerr, Vice- President Scottish Curling
The Royal Club are running a series of roadshows to update members on, principally, three subjects - the structure review, selection of teams to represent Scotland and the World Men’s Championship in Glasgow next year. In the original list of venues issued for the roadshows the nearest to Ayr were either Braehead which took place on the 12th of this month or Stranraer which is due to take place next Monday, the 25th.
It would be fair to say that the attendance at Braehead was very poor due to a lack of publicity and, as a result, a further roadshow is now planned for GREENACRES on 10th DECEMBER at 6.30. Ayr curlers might find Greenacres a more convenient venue than either Braehead or Stranraer.
This is an important opportunity to let the officials and the RCCC Board know your views and I would urge attendance by as many Ayrshire curlers as possible at either Stranraer or Greenacres.
The structure review is looking at bringing the Ladies and the Area Standing Committees together in a new national forum. Once established, this national forum would draw its membership from two representatives from each ice rink, preferably one male and one female. In addition, the current proposal is that the President would be supported by a VP and a Junior VP and one of the suggestions put forward at a roadshow was that the President should alternate between a man and a woman for a period of time. This is a subject which the Ayr CC have looked at in relation to ourselves !
The second item for discussion at the roadshows is selection of teams to represent Scotland. In particular, the proposal being suggested is that the winner of the Scottish Championship would not automatically go forward to represent Scotland at the Worlds but that the Scottish would be just one of the criteria used to select the team.
These are two potentially controversial topics and it would be good to have the Board made aware of members views. No decisions have as yet been made and, in relation to the structure review, a proposal will need to be brought forward to the AGM. However, in relation to the selection issue, this decision rests with the Board.
A reminder again: