‘There are a number of RCCC Member Open Meetings arranged throughout Scotland unfortunately the nearest to Ayr are either at Braehead on Monday 11th November 7-9pm or at Stranraer on Monday 25th November 6-8pm. The purpose of these meetings is to update members on a number of key issues and the Agenda can be found on the Scottish Curling website here and it is everyone's opportunity to let their views be known.
The first topic on the Agenda is the RCCC Organisational Structure Review:-
a. The rationale for change is to remove a 'glass ceiling' for women becoming President and to be more gender balanced. The proposals are to change the current Office Bearers from President, Vice President, Past president, Ladies President, Ladies Vice President and Ladies Junior Vice president to a President with a Vice President and Junior Vice President. It is considered that the position of Junior Vice President would be better than the current Past President.
b. Areas are not readily understood and curlers identify more with ice rinks. The proposals are the formation of a new ice rink based National Committee which would meet 3 times a year, look at best practice, discuss new ideas, developments, consider solutions to any issues or problems arising and be a forum for consultation with members. The current suggestion is one man and one woman from each ice rink to attend this National Committee.
c. The Area Standing Committee and the Ladies Standing Committee would merge for next season in advance of the new National Committee being formed the following year.
Other topics on the Agenda are a Scottish Championship Review Action Plan. On the selection criteria question, the problem with the ladies last year has brought the question of how teams are selected to represent the country to the fore and, basically, should it be on success at the Scottish Championships or through selection.
There will also be an update on the World Mens Championship 2020 and an open discussion from the floor.'
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