Return to Curling Guidelines - Ayr CC 30.8.20

31 August 2020





1                    Introduction

We’ve missed you, and we’re looking forward to welcoming you back. We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to create a safe environment for your return and we’ve made some changes to how we do things. We want to ensure that you, our staff, contractors, visitors & the Ice Rink are as safe as possible.

This document has been prepared by the Board of Ayrshire Curlers Ltd and the Committee of Ayr Curling Club (ACC) as at 1 September 2020 and is intended to offer information and guidance to our curlers in relation to COVID-19. It has been prepared so that everyone within the Ice Rink knows what is expected of them.

It takes account of advice from the Scottish Government, SportScotland and the Royal Caledonian Curling Club (RCCC) and will be amended in the event of such advice being updated.

Overall the most important consideration is the Health & Safety of all our users and staff. Everyone should refer to this document and any other suitable guidance to ensure that their return to curling is managed in as safe a manner as is possible. We all have a part to play in keeping you safe and we’ll be asking you to follow a few simple rules. Things will feel a little different to begin with, but the Ice Rink Staff, Committee & Board members will be on hand to support you on your return.


2                    Anticipated Opening Date & Session Times

We’re good to go! We are pleased to note that the Scottish Government has permitted ice rinks to open on 31 August. Work started on Monday 24 August to lay ice in the small rink and this will be done on 31 August in the main ice hall. It is anticipated that we will be in a position to start curling on Monday 28 September 2020.

Sessions will remain at 1 hour 55 minutes (bell) but the times have changed to allow longer between sessions in order to avoid overlap and allow time for cleaning & sanitation.

Session 1 – 9.30am          Session 2 – 12.15pm          Session 3 – 3pm

Session 4 – 5.45pm          Session 5 – 8.30pm

Note that on 9 Thursdays only (because of the overall demand for evening ice) the session times will be – 9.30am, 12noon, 2.30pm, 5pm, 7.15pm and 9.30pm.

Sunday times remain unchanged as  - 11.00am, 1.30pm, 4.15pm, 7.00pm.

3                    Our Responsibilities

We can’t wait to see you again, but your safety is our number one priority. That’s why we’re introducing enhanced cleaning procedures, one-way systems, on-ice protocols and physical distancing measures. The overriding responsibility of everyone must be to act so that we avoid spreading the virus. The safety of the staff, club members and visitors is paramount. The following list is not exhaustive but contains measures we will follow whenever practical and appropriate.

  • Carry out risk assessments for all areas of the facility and implement control measures as required, with reference to industry specific documents produced by the RCCC and others.

  • Adopt measures that assist with following Scottish Government guidelines on physical distancing.

  • Follow all procedures related to the Scottish Government Test and Protect approach.

  • Ensure policies, procedures, training, suitable equipment and first aid provision are in place and updated for staff and volunteers.

  • Provide hand sanitisers at key points throughout the Ice Rink.

  • Ensure toilet access throughout the Ice Rink.

  • Communicate with staff and members regularly with key updates and amendments to procedures.

  • Ensure an adequate air flow and ventilation throughout the building.

  • Appoint a Covid Officer for Ayr Curling Club. This appointment does not replace the need for every club to have their own Covid Officer. Full responsibilities and links to the online training for Covid Officers can be found here:

  • Provide suitable equipment for the workforce, including appropriate personal protection equipment.

  • Operate on-line and contactless payment systems as much as possible to reduce cash handling.

  • Ensure a one-way system is clearly marked throughout the ice Rink as far as is practicably possible.

  • Ensure the Ice Rink has a deep clean before opening, is professionally cleaned before the first session each day and thereafter toilets and touch points cleaned after each session by the in-house staff.


Your safety is our number one priority and we’ll continue to monitor industry and government guidance as well as our own safety procedures as and when required. 3 Your Responsibilities

We urge everyone to be aware of and to follow the most up to date advice provided by the

NHS and the Scottish Government and expect –

  • Stay home if you feel unwell; should you feel unwell and have Covid-19 symptoms such as a new, continuous cough, a fever or loss of smell or taste, we respectfully request that you stay at home and self-isolate. Do not come to the ice rink.

  • On arrival, you must make use of the hand sanitisers at Sanitiser Stations located at the entrance and use those at key areas throughout the Ice Rink during your stay.

  • Come prepared ready to curl with the appropriate clothing and with simply your shoes to change. The current changing areas will be out of normal use for the foreseeable future. Shoe changing areas will be provided in the lounge and on the benches in the ice hall with physical distancing. In the case of exceptional circumstances, a  maximum of 3 persons may use the changing rooms and these places will be marked to ensure social distancing.

  • We will be operating in line with the Scottish Government’s Test and Protect service and it is essential that your Ayr Curling Club membership card is made available at the end of your sheet of ice before you start curling. Non ACC members who are curling must provide contact details to the ice staff and all visitors to the lounge must record their details in the visitors’ book.

  • You must wear a face covering upon entering the Ice Rink and whilst moving around the building. Disposable masks will be available in emergencies only, upon payment of a donation. Face coverings will also be available to purchase at the bar.

  • Face coverings are not mandatory on the ice, nor whilst partaking in the bar and catering.

  • Follow the signage, keep to the one-way system and try to stay away from others as much as possible. 

  • Where possible we would encourage everyone to use their own brush, cue or delivery aid and to take them home after each session and clean with appropriate disinfectant. No equipment should be left in the changing rooms or within the ice rink. 

  • If a player requires to clean the bottom of a stone, they should only do so using their brush head, avoiding using their hand or glove. 

  • If wearing gloves for warmth, these should only be worn for curling activity, not used before the start of each session and should be disinfected/washed after each session.



4                    Entry & Playing Procedures

  • Curlers should enter the building via the main door on Limekiln Road and proceed directly upstairs to the lounge using the main stair. You should not use the former Curlers’ entrance from the car park.

NB Disabled access remains unchanged.

  • Curlers should arrive no earlier than 20 minutes before their appointed session time. Please note the amended session times detailed earlier.

  • Shoe changing should be carried out in the lounge, or on the benches adjacent to the ice, maintaining physical distancing.

  • Curlers should move down to the ice hall a few minutes in advance of the bell where possible, and in such a manner as to maintain safe social distancing. The area in front of the bar, the stairs to the ice hall and the corridor from the foot of the stairs to the ice hall have been identified as areas of possible congestion – “pinch points”. 

  • To mitigate risk, the interval between sessions has been extended so that those coming off the ice should be clear before those in the next session head down. In addition, keep left should be adopted on the stairs, and throughout the Ice Rink follow floor markings.

  • Ayr Curling Club membership cards must be produced to comply with Track and Trace. Non ACC members must provide contact details to the ice staff. It is the skip’s responsibility to ensure compliance in conjunction with the club’s appointed Covid Officer.

  • On arrival in the ice hall all curlers should use the hand sanitisers at the end of each sheet.

  • Before the start of a game, each player is responsible for cleaning their own stones using the wipes provided and also for cleaning any equipment such as brushes provided by the ice rink. 

  • Each team should ensure that they bring their own pen/pencil for marking the score card. You should avoid using the pen from another player! Basically, each and every player should take responsibility for their own wellbeing. NB. The numbers on the scoreboards will be cleaned at the start of each day and between sessions by the ice men.

  • Games will be played with due regard to RCCC Guidelines. You should familiarise yourself with the guidelines which are available on the Royal Club website and  which can be accessed here: The current version as at 1 September, is Version 5.1.

  • See the attached example on Appendix 1 and note, in particular, there should only be one sweeper from hog to hog. There should be no sweeping of an opposition stone behind the T line and the opposition skip should be behind the hack when their opponent’s stone is in motion. 2 metres physical distancing should be maintained. 

  • Government guidance indicates that face coverings may be removed while on the ice. However, individuals are welcome to wear a face covering while curling should they choose to do so. 

  • Shouting should be kept to a minimum; good sportsmanship should, of course, still be acknowledged verbally.

  • Additional advice for wheelchair curlers is available via the Royal Club’s Covid advice on the website, and in Scottish Disability Sport Guidance:

  • At the start of each day the stones on the even numbered sheets will be cleaned and placed at one end of the ice pad and similarly, the stones for the odd numbered sheets placed at the opposite end to assist with physical distancing during games. The stones must be returned to their originating end after each game.

  • Coaching and Junior sessions should maintain physical distancing relevant for the age group with a maximum of 9 people per sheet including coaches. Children aged 11 years and younger are not currently required to physical distance but for those over 12 years of age normal physical distancing rules apply.


5                    Ice Monies / Temporary memberships

  • Prepayment by clubs and by bank transfer would be much appreciated. We do recognise that this is not always feasible but we are keen to minimise cash handling as far as possible.

  • Temporary memberships and any ice monies will be collected after the game. With games finishing at different times the staggering will assist with maintaining physical distancing and also allow subsequent games to get underway more quickly.

  • On leaving the ice pad, curlers should exit the ice hall via the door approximately located under the ladies changing room (adjacent to sheet 1) where the ice staff will collect monies due, and contact details from any non ACC member. They should then follow the marked route, passing the skating and hockey changing rooms to the ice staff’s office. It is the skip’s and the club’s responsibility to ensure that no one exits the building directly without paying monies due and/or providing contact details. 

  • Payment should be made by a contactless method if at all possible.


After passing the ice staff’s office curlers should return to the lounge taking cognisance of the “pinch” point at the foot of the stairs.


When finally leaving the building, curlers should leave by the former curlers’ entrance, adjacent to the car park, which is now designated as the exit.


6                    Bar and Catering

We will still be offering a bar and catering service and are delighted to have Sinitta back in the bar and to welcome our new caterer, Lorrie and we hope that you may be able to support both facilities. In accordance with the rules for the hospitality sector it will not be possible to stand at the bar nor sit on the benches opposite and it seems likely that it will be table service only. Please be patient.

Kindly respect the bar and catering staff (and indeed the ice and office staff). The bar and catering staff will be wearing face coverings and adhering to an increased level of hygiene.

Please pay by card whenever possible.


7                     Associated Documentation Scottish Government / NHS                              



RCCC Return to Curling Guidelines                              


SportScotland Disability Sport Guidance


Ayr Ice Rink, Risk Assessment



8                    Summary

We look forward to welcoming all curlers back to Ayr Ice Rink. Whilst things might be different for a while, the same warm, friendly welcome awaits. We are doing our utmost to provide you with a safe and clean environment to enjoy your curling. Please assist us and support one another through these testing times. We do recognise that there will be some members who are anxious about coming back and we will be opening the lounge the week before Opening Day (dates & arrangements to be confirmed in a subsequent email) so that members can come in, see all the improvements carried out over the summer and have a coffee whilst gaining confidence that we are making the return to curling as safe as we possibly can.                                        


 Liz Goldie (Chairman) and Robert Boyd (Club President)

                                                                                                                    Appendix 1


Return To Curling 1 




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