Dundonald Bicenenary Dinner

06 April 2022

A year later than planned due to some pesky bug that’s been doing the rounds, Dundonald Curling Club managed to bring its Bicentennial Celebrations to a conclusion with a dinner in the Gailes Hotel, Irvine on Saturday 2nd April.


The dinner was excellently chaired by President Morag Evans and 100 members and guests enjoyed a first class meal followed by a toast to the club by Andrew Kerr, Dundonald club member and Past President of the RCCC and the main entertainment for the night, a very witty speech by Archie Gilbert from Douglas Curling Club.



President Morag and Honorary President Liz Goldie cut the Anniversary cake.


The Club had organised a charity raffle in aid of Ayrshire Cancer Support selling tickets at the Agricultural Bonspiel, the Superleague Finals night and the Club’s own Anniversary Bonspiel and are grateful to everyone who purchased tickets and to all the local companies which donated prizes. We were able to present a cheque for £1,500 to the charity’s ambassadors, Yvonne and Brian Hendrie, at the the dinner.



A late donation of a case of wine for the raffle presented a slight quandary to the organisers as the raffle had been drawn in advance of the dinner at which the winners were to be announced. This was resolved by collecting all the place names after the meal and inviting donations towards the Ukrainian Appeal. The magnificent amount of £680 was banked with the British Red Cross on Monday morning. 



A great end to the Club’s Bicentennial celebrations and a big thank you to all who contributed in all so many ways.



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