Last updated: 10/05/24 14:24
The Competition shall be know as “The Eglinton County Curling Game” and shall take place annually.
All bona-fide Curling Clubs in Ayrshire ( those Clubs that have a minimum of 8 members, a president, a secretary and issue an annual statement of accounts) shall be entitled to nominate two of their members to attend the Annual Meeting of representatives,
The Annual Meeting of representatives so nominated shall be held on a suitable day in March except where the President and Secretary consider that there are circumstances which justify its postponement, and at this meeting arrangements for the ensuing season’s Game shall be made, office-bearers for the ensuing season appointed, and the last day for receiving entries shall be decided. A report of the previous season’s Game shall be submitted by the Secretary together with the Audited Accounts for the year and the Meeting shall fix the levy for the ensuing season.
Each Club shall be entitled to compete in the Annual Game and may, in such manner as the members belong to it deem satisfactory, select a maximum of four rinks, each comprising four of their members habitually resident in Ayrshire or having been born in Ayrshire, to represent the Club in the Season’s Game. Habitual residence is to be evidenced by the inclusion of the name in the current electoral register. The names of the skips so selected shall be furnished to the Secretary along with the entry, and no nomination of any rink shall be accepted by the Secretary for entry to the Annual Game unless it be accompanied by the appropriate levy for the year.
The game shall be played on such ice as is selected at the Annual General Meeting and the whole general arrangements for the Game shall be in the control of the President and the Committee of Management appointed for the season. Their decision on any matter, including the settlement of protests, shall be final (other than those disposed of by an umpire under bye-law 4).
Where the ice selected under the preceding rule is artificial ice in an ice rink the following regulation shall apply.
Where the ice scheduled is not an artificial ice rink the detailed arrangements for the Game shall be in the hands of the President and Committee of management and the Game shall be organised in such fashion and at such times and places as the Committee may decide. The Secretary shall notify competitors of the arrangements made.
The Winning Rink for the season shall have the custody of the Eglinton Trophy from the date of the final tie until the commencement of the next year’s competition when it shall be duly returned by them to the Secretary.