
Ayr Curling Club Office Bearers and Committee

Roll Name
President Ken Ireland
Lady President Alison Young 
Vice President Jean Morton
Lady Vice President Lisa Mason 
Immediate Past President Rob White
Immediate Past Lady President Aileen McCorkell
Secretary Alison Young, Aileen Quigley
Treasurer Charlie Steele
Honorary Life Members Julia Craig,  Kirsty Letton MBE 
Webmasters Ronnie Peat, Allan Sloan, Angela Kyle
Morton Trophy Gail Thomson (Morton Secretary), Alison Young
Maxwell Trophy Neil Kennedy (Maxwell Secretary), Ken Ireland
Membership Charlie Steele, Aileen Quigley
Bar and Catering Conveners Mara Lindsay, Allan Carruthers
Social and Fundraising Jean Morton, Aileen McCorkell, Jean Pearce
Bonspiels Logie Collins, Ken Ireland, Hugh Kennedy
RCCC Competitions and Incoming Tours Ken Ireland, Alison Young
Day League & other ACC Team Entries Bert McKay
Ladies Competitions Alison Young, Rachel Ireland
Inter City & Inter Club Jean Morton, Lisa Mason
New Mixed Doubles Initiative Lillian McIntyre
Ayr at 50 Bert McKay, Logie Collins, David McIntyre
Advertising Ken Ireland, Jean Morton, Logie Collins
Sponsorship Ken Ireland, Alison Young
Area Reps to RCCC Jamie Mason Area Standing Committee
  Mara Lindsay, Ladies Standing Committee
Up in the Ayr Lisa Mason
Junior Liaison Lisa Mason, Jean Morton
Development Group Liaison Bert McKay (chair), Angela Kyle (DCMO)
Coaching Coordinator Angela Kyle
Digital Communications and Marketing Officer Angela Kyle
Come and Try, Beginners, Skill Building & Corp. Events Angela Kyle
Schools Liason Angela Kyle
Ayrshire Curlers Liason Jim Boswell