Coaches Needed!

14 August 2018

We are very lucky at Ayr to have a fantastic bunch of coaches who all give their time in improving beginners and newcomers in our sport. Due to the amount of people coming through the door over last year and hopefully this year we are in need of new coaches or volunteers to help with sessions.

One of the most vulnerable right now is the Junior club. At the end of last season we had over 40 children coming on a Sunday morning and not enough coaches to run the club properly. Ideally to have the Juniors reach their full potential we would be looking at no more than 6-8 kids to one coach. We have a pool of 8 -10 coaches who give their time on a Sunday morning to help the Juniors however, some weeks due to other commitments we could be down to as little as 2 or 3.

There are a couple of options for those who may be interested:

  1. Ready Steady Curl course allows you to become a volunteer to assist coaches on the ice.

  2. UKCC1 Level 1 coaching course.


All information on timings of these course can be found on the Scottish Curling website:


Please contact Sottt Andrews,,  if you have any questions.


Thank you


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